This 2 or 4 week course is designed to deepen practitioners’ experiential understanding of the internal threads of sensation, breath and bandha and how this experience relates to yoga philosophy and our everyday lives.

When practicing with awareness of these internal threads, a deeper layer of intuitive intelligence gradually awakens and guides the experience of a mature practitioner. This intuitive intelligence not only informs our practice, but also every experience of our lives. A deep immersion into daily morning and afternoon practice of asana and pranayama will help bring practitioners towards this experience.

The theme of “authentic practice” will be used to draw together the asana, pranayama and philosophy into a unified process which deepens our relationship with ourselves and our practices through the field of felt experience and sensation.

Those who have time are encouraged to register for the 4 week option, as this will give the deepest understanding and integration of the course material. Those who cannot commit to 4 weeks due to time constraints are welcome to register for the 2 week option.

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